Love Is The Revolution

What do you say we play together? ;)

The Fellowship Of Us’s mission is to foster empathy through love.

Usually, we are just hanging out working on something curious. Join us.

All empathetic souls welcome!


New Content : Winter Foraging

Let’s lay down our weapons and stand together, united, for one cause. A union of public trust, built on integrity and honor, to the benefit of everyone.


New Content: Psychoactive Plants

The rate of progress has been too slow. The Fellowship Of Us aims to change these trends. We target those who are based in fear with a movement of love.

Giving A Little Helps Us A Lot
$1.99 every 2 weeks

Thank you to everyone helping us move towards doing this full time and cover some of our expenses! Even if you can not contribute on a regular basis, a few bucks here and there is a big contribution towards the Fellowship’s mission.

“Seek not power, but to empower.” -J

“The measure of being is not how much you give, but the percentage of which you have to give that you give.”  -J

“Just accomplish one more thing.” -J

“Always try to push yourself into the uncomfortable.“

“It matters not where we come from or where we go, but that we share that journey together.” -J

“The measure of a genius is not knowing everything, but knowing what you don’t. And I do not know anything.”

“Is it possible we were created, intentionally, with the inability to comprehend our existence?” -J

“Appreciation can exist absent comprehension.” -J