Psychoactive Plants
African Dream Root
Latin Name
Silene capensis, Silene undulata
Psychoactive Effects
induce vivid, lucid dreams (Sobiecki 2008), oneirogen effect
Medicinal Benefits
vomiting, also referred to as emesis therapy; purge the body of surplus mucus and water (Sobiecki 2012)
200 - 250 mg to induce lucid dreaming
1/2 tsp of dried S. capensis powder + half a cup of water in the early morning before breakfast
1 tbsp of dried S. capensis powder + 2 cups of water frothed, drink until “full” feeling (DreamHerbs 2011)
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
gunpowder plant, campion, unozitholana, ubulawu, undlela zimhlophe, kleinwildetabak
Native Region
South Africa: Eastern Cape, Free State, Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Northern Cape, North West, Western Cape (von Staden 2014)
Olfactory Identification (smell)
Gustatory Identification (taste)
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
widespread across South Africa and Lesotho (von Staden 2014)
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
late spring/early summer, mid-summer
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
root can be harvested after the second year
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
sown in the spring or fall in a seed box or the ground, but soil must be kept slightly moist
Plant Hardiness Zone
USDA Zone 9a: to -6.6 °C (20 °F)
USDA Zone 9b: to -3.8 °C (25 °F)
USDA Zone 10a: to -1.1 °C (30 °F)
USDA Zone 10b: to 1.7 °C (35 °F)
USDA Zone 11: above 4.5 °C (40 °F)
Betel Nut
Latin Name
Areca catechu
Psychoactive Effects
increased level of alertness and energy, feeling of euphoria and sense of relaxation (Chu 2002)
Medicinal Benefits
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
areca nut, Indian nut
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
East Asia - Philippines
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
throughout year
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
Zone 10b +1.7 °C (35 °F) to +4.4 °C (40 °F)
Latin Name
Banisteriopsis caapi
Psychoactive Effects
stimulate hallucinations (Chevallier 1996)
Medicinal Benefits
Chevallier 1996
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
ayahuasca, jagube, yagé
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Urarina (Bartholomew 2009)
Species Distribution
northern and western South America: Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
Blue Lotus
Latin Name
Nymphaea caerulea
Psychoactive Effects
said to create a feeling of well being, euphoria and ecstasy.
Medicinal Benefits
taken to treat the liver, relieve constipation, neutralize poison, and regulate the urinary system.
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
blue Egyptian lotus, blue water lily, blue Egyptian lily, sacred blue lily
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
21 +/-
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
Prairie Mimosa
Latin Name
Desmanthus illinoensis
Psychoactive Effects
The root bark is mixed with a native source of beta-Carbolines to produce a hallucinogenic drink called prairiehuasca, which is an analog of the shamanic brew ayahuasca.
Medicinal Benefits
A leaf tea has been used in the treatment of itchy skin. Five seeds have been placed in the eye at night and washed out in the morning to treat trachoma
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
Illinois bundleflower, prickleweed
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
June - August
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
Zone 3 -40 °C (-40 °F) to -37.2 °C (-35)
Latin Name
Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, Cannabis ruderalis
Psychoactive Effects
many people experience a pleasant euphoria and sense of relaxation. Other common effects, which may vary dramatically among different people, include heightened sensory perception (e.g., brighter colors), laughter, altered perception of time, and increased appetite.
Medicinal Benefits
chronic pain relief, depression, seizures, glaucoma
injection: 150µg/kg
rectal: 15 - 30mg
orally in lipids: 20mg
inhalation: 18 - 40mg
Federal Schedule
Common Names
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
different strains grow in different temperatures. Heat maps are inaccurate, but sativa is a UK (9)
Latin Name
Justicia Pectoralis
Psychoactive Effects
Relaxant and general tonic. Additionally it is often used in Ayahuasca
Medicinal Benefits
A wide range of evidence have demonstrated the anti-inflammatory, anti-nociceptive, anti-spasmodic, smooth muscle relaxant and anxiolytic effects of J. pectoralis and its chemical constituents.
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
carpenter's grass, death-angel, carpintero, hierba tila, tila, tilo, herbe à charpentiers, chapantye, zeb chapantyè, chambá carpintero, té criollo, curía
Native Region
tropical America, Caribbean
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
Latin Name
Anadenanthera colubrina
Psychoactive Effects
hallucinogenic effects
Medicinal Benefits
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
vilca, huilco, huilca, wilco, willka, curupay, curupau, angico
Native Region
Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina
Indigenous Tribe Use
Tiwanaku, Wichi, Taíno, Mataco, Guahibo
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
September - December
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
Showy Chalicevine
Latin Name
Solandra grandiflora
Psychoactive Effects
extreme hallucinations, delusions, and even complete delirium
Medicinal Benefits
eye irritations
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
Zone 8a -12.2 °C (10 °F) to -9.4 °C (15 °F)
Latin Name
Erythroxylum coca
Psychoactive Effects
aphrodisiac, feeling of euphoria and well-being, stimulating and mental alertness in lower doses
Medicinal Benefits
thirst and hunger mitigation, enhanced work capacity and fatigue reduction
5g of dried leaves for tea
20 - 60g up to 1lb of dried leaves for chewing
100g of fresh leaves
Federal Schedule
Common Names
little coca, coca plant, cocae folium, cocal, cocalier, cocaïer, erythroxylon coca, ipadu, koka, kokabuske, kokastrauch
Native Region
Peruvian mountains in South America
Indigenous Tribe Use
Tukano, Makú, Kogi, Arhuaco, Wiwa
Species Distribution
northern Brazil, Bolivia, Peru
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
later winter - mid summer
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
as a hedge
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
USDA Zone 10a: to -1.1 °C (30 °F)
USDA Zone 10b: to 1.7 °C (35 °F)
USDA Zone 11: above 4.5 °C (40 °F)"
Arabian Coffee
Latin Name
Coffea arabica
Psychoactive Effects
Medicinal Benefits
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
mountain coffee, arabica coffee, coffee shrub of Arabia, coffee
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
tolerates low temperatures, but not frost
flourishes with average temperatures of 15 - 24 °C (59 - 75 °F)
Latin Name
Coleus scutellarioides, Coleus blumei, Plectranthus scutellarioides, Solenostemon scutellarioides
Psychoactive Effects
Coleus has not yet been fully explored for it’s psychoactive properties so there’s not many information on it that’s backed up by scientific research. It has been noted though that coleus has mild relaxing effects as well as hallucinogenic properties. It is for this very reason that the Mazatec Indians of southern Mexico consumed it. Most trip reports claim that coleus, when consumed, produces slight visual distortions and also a dreamy state but nothing special. If you happen to fall asleep after you’ve consumed coleus, you may also have very vivid dreams.
Medicinal Benefits
The plant (part not specified) is employed in the treatment of dyspepsia, ophthalmia, headaches, bruises etc.
It is also considered to be abortifacient and is used as a repellent for intestinal worms
The roots are used internally to treat diarrhoea and colic.
The leaves are anthelmintic, digestive, emmenagogue and sedative. They are used to treat urinary complaints, dyspepsia and congestion of the liver.
The leaves and young shoots from the purple-black wild species are squeezed into a cup, a pinch of salt is added and the mixture taken to induce abortion and remove the afterbirth
Applied externally, they are used to treat swellings, smallpox and ophthalmia. The fresh leaves are applied as a poultice to bruises and contusions, and also to treat headache. The young leaves are baked and squeezed whilst hot onto fresh cuts and sore
The sap, or a decoction of the plant, is used as an abortivum and emmenagogue, and to treat haemorrhoids, inflamed eyes and boils.
The sap of the plant is squeezed into the eye in the case of eye injury, and also rubbed on swellings. The juice squeezed from new, soft leaves is applied to sores, including those of leprosy.
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
painted nettle
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
Giant Reed
Latin Name
Arundo donax
Psychoactive Effects
Medicinal Benefits
The rhizome or rootstock is used for dropsy. Boiled in wine with honey, the root or rhizome has been used for cancer. This or other species of Arundo is also reported to be used for condylomata and indurations of the breast. The root infusion is regarded as antigalactagogue, depurative, diaphoretic, diuretic, emollient, hypertensive, hypotensive, and sudorific
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
giant cane, elephant grass, carrizo, arundo, Spanish cane, Colorado river reed, wild cane
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
Zone 6a -23.3 °C (-10 °F) to -20.6 °C (-5 °F)
Latin Name
Turnera diffusa
Psychoactive Effects
Mellow and relaxing high similar to weed
Medicinal Benefits
headache, bedwetting, depression, nervous stomach, and constipation; for prevention and treatment of sexual problems; boosting and maintaining mental and physical stamina; and as an aphrodisiac
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
USDA Zone 8a: to -12.2 °C (10 °F)
USDA Zone 8b: to -9.4 °C (15 °F)
USDA Zone 9a: to -6.6 °C (20 °F)
USDA Zone 9b: to -3.8 °C (25 °F)
USDA Zone 10a: to -1.1 °C (30 °F)
USDA Zone 10b: to 1.7 °C (35 °F)
USDA Zone 11: above 4.5 °C (40 °F)
Devil's Trumpet
Latin Name
Datura stramonium
Psychoactive Effects
amnesia, confusion, psychosis, and hallucinations, in addition to altering mood and emotional expression
Medicinal Benefits
analgesic, anthelmintic and anti-inflammatory and as such, they are used in the treatment of stomach and intestinal pain that results from worm infestation, toothache, and fever from inflammation
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
thornapple, moon flower, hell's bells, devil's weed, tolguacha, Jamestown weed, stinkweed, locoweed, pricklyburr, false castor oil plant, devil's cucumber
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
USDA Zone 6a: to -23.3 °C (-10 °F)
USDA Zone 6b: to -20.5 °C (-5 °F)
USDA Zone 7a: to -17.7 °C (0 °F)
USDA Zone 7b: to -14.9 °C (5 °F)
USDA Zone 8a: to -12.2 °C (10 °F)
USDA Zone 8b: to -9.4 °C (15 °F)
USDA Zone 9a: to -6.6 °C (20 °F)
USDA Zone 9b: to -3.8 °C (25 °F)
Deadly Nightshade
Latin Name
Atropa belladonna
Psychoactive Effects
effects of atropine on the central nervous system include memory disruption, which may lead to severe confusion.
Medicinal Benefits
sedative, to stop bronchial spasms in asthma and whooping cough, and as a cold and hay fever remedy. It is also used for Parkinson's disease, colic, inflammatory bowel disease, motion sickness, and as a painkiller.
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
belladonna, divale, dwale, banewort, devil's berries, death cherries, beautiful death, devil's herb, great morel, dwayberry
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
USDA Zone 6a: to -23.3 °C (-10 °F)
USDA Zone 6b: to -20.5 °C (-5 °F)
USDA Zone 7a: to -17.7 °C (0 °F)
USDA Zone 7b: to -14.9 °C (5 °F)
USDA Zone 8a: to -12.2 °C (10 °F)
USDA Zone 8b: to -9.4 °C (15 °F)
USDA Zone 9a: to -6.6 °C (20 °F)
USDA Zone 9b: to -3.8 °C (25 °F)
Latin Name
Claviceps purpurea
Psychoactive Effects
Medicinal Benefits
uterine atonia, postpartum bleeding, migraine, orthostatic circulatory disturbances, senile cerebral insufficiency, hypertension, hyperprolactinemia, acromegaly, and parkinsonism. Recently, new therapeutic uses have emerged, such as, e.g., against schizophrenia, applications based on newly discovered antibacterial and cytostatic effects, immunomodulatory and hypolipemic activity.
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
Fly Agaric Mushroom
Latin Name
Amanita muscaria
Psychoactive Effects
muscle twitching, dizziness, hallucinations, and altered hearing.
Medicinal Benefits
Boost immune system and make stronger
Has antimicrobial properties based in the mycelium
Increased strength, endurance, and virility
Natural pain killing properties
Euphoria / Bliss / Happiness
Opening of the energy body and more energy / vitality
Greatly decreases pains such as muscle aches, joint pain, achy body
Effective against arthritis
Eliminate back pain by using it as a liquid tincture/oil rubbed into the back or area of pain
Very small amounts stop almost completely symptoms of Lyme disease (as reported so much so that people with Lyme have reported all their pain and suffering from the disease is taken away for a duration)
Increased energy
Can decrease or stop depression in some people
Helps purge and detoxify the body
It can be used in a low dose for micro dosing (.5 of a gram - 2 grams) or in moderate doses of 5 grams at a time.
Lowers inflammation
Can bring a person closer to spirit / soul and closer with nature
It's possible that other neurotoxins and diseases can help assisted or treated using this magical mushroom as well
Can be used in religious / ritual / spiritual settings
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
fly amanita
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
Zone(s): 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b, 5a, 5b, 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b, 9a, 9b, 10a, 10b, 11a, 11b, 12a, 12b, 13a, 13b
Ghost Pipe
Latin Name
Monotropa Uniflora
Psychoactive Effects
Feeling of being beside one's self. Intense mind altering experiences. 15ml or more can induce a deep sleep with strange, vivid and sometimes erotic dreaming.
Medicinal Benefits
Beneficial for epilepsy, convulsions, nervous irritability, colds and fevers, toothache
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
ghost plant, Indian pipe
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
Zone 4a -34.4 °C (-30 °F) to -31.7 °C (-25 °F)
Latin Name
Paullinia cupana
Psychoactive Effects
caffeine in guarana can cause insomnia, nervousness and restlessness, stomach irritation, nausea, vomiting, increased heart rate and blood pressure, rapid breathing, tremors, delirium, diuresis, and other side effects. Large guarana doses might cause headache, anxiety, agitation, ringing in the ears, pain when urinating, stomach cramps, and irregular heartbeats
Medicinal Benefits
reduce fatigue, boost energy and aid learning and memory. It has also been linked to better heart health, weight loss, pain relief, healthier skin, lower cancer risk and a decreased risk of age-related eye diseases
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
Zone 8b -9.4 °C (15 °F) to -6.7 °C (20 °F)
Hawaiian Baby Woodrose
Latin Name
Argyreia nervosa
Psychoactive Effects
diarrhea and hallucinations, elevated mood, sense of deep insight
Medicinal Benefits
I can't find one because it acts like LSD
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
adhoguda, vidhara, elephant creeper, woolly morning glory
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
Zone 12 +10 °C (50 °F) to +15.6 °C (60 °F)
Morning Glory
Latin Name
Ipomoea tricolor
Psychoactive Effects
The seeds of the Ipomoea tricolor (morning glory) contain LSA, a so-called psychedelic. LSA is closely related to LSD, although the effects are much more intense. In general, morning glory produces a kind of quiet, dream-like experience.
Medicinal Benefits
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
Mexican morning glory
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
Latin Name
Hyoscyamus niger
Psychoactive Effects
Visual hallucinations and sensation of flight
Medicinal Benefits
sedative, to stop bronchial spasms in asthma and whooping cough, and as a cold and hay fever remedy. It is also used for Parkinson's disease, colic, inflammatory bowel disease, motion sickness, and as a painkiller.
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
black henbane, stinking nightshade
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
Latin Name
Tabernanthe iboga
Psychoactive Effects
allow people to conquer their fears and negative emotions. Ibogaine catalyzes an altered state of consciousness reminiscent of dreaming while fully conscious and aware so that memories, life experiences, and issues of trauma can be processed.
Medicinal Benefits
Helps counter drug addiction
Federal Schedule
Common Names
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
Joint Pine
Latin Name
Ephedra sinica
Psychoactive Effects
Weight loss, appetite suppressant, rapid heart beat
Medicinal Benefits
treat asthma, bronchitis, and hay fever. Ephedra is also prescribed for symptoms of cold and flu, including nasal congestion, cough, fever, and chills
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
jointfir, Mormon tea, Brigham tea
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
USDA Zone 5b: to -26.1 °C (-15 °F)
USDA Zone 6a: to -23.3 °C (-10 °F)
USDA Zone 6b: to -20.5 °C (-5 °F)
USDA Zone 7a: to -17.7 °C (0 °F)
USDA Zone 7b: to -14.9 °C (5 °F)
USDA Zone 8a: to -12.2 °C (10 °F)
USDA Zone 8b: to -9.4 °C (15 °F)
USDA Zone 9a: to -6.6 °C (20 °F)
USDA Zone 9b: to -3.8 °C (25 °F)
USDA Zone 10a: to -1.1 °C (30 °F)
USDA Zone 10b: to 1.7 °C (35 °F)
USDA Zone 11: above 4.5 °C (40 °F)
Latin Name
Mimosa tenuiflora, Mimosa hostilis
Psychoactive Effects
The constituents responsible for jurema’s psychoactive effects are alkaloids, such as:
N,N-DMT (up to 2% in the root bark and 0.57% in the stem bark),
serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine),
and possibly β-carboline and NMT.
A different Mimosa species, Mimosa pudica (sensitive mimosa), is used for making a sleep potion in the Caribbean and as an aphrodisiac in the Amazon and in the Philippines.
However, its constituents are different than jurema’s and it may contain norepinephrine and a narcotic alkaloid known as mimosine.
In Brazil Mimosa pudica is used as an initiatory drink of the Candomblé cult.
Medicinal Benefits
A tea made of the leaves and stem has been used to treat tooth pain. For cases of cough and bronchitis, a water extract (decoction) of Mimosa tenuiflora is drunk. A handful of bark in one liter of water is used by itself or in a syrup. The solution is drunk until the symptoms subside.
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
jurema preta, calumbi, tepezcohuite, carbonal, cabrera, black jurema, binho de jurema
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
Zone 9a -6.7 °C (20 °F) to -3.9 °C (25 °F)
Latin Name
Sceletium tortuosum
Psychoactive Effects
elevate moods, decrease anxiety, stress and tension, cause hallucinations, euphoria and sedation
Medicinal Benefits
traditionally used to fight stress and depression, relieve pain and alleviate hunger and has been studied to alleviate excessive nocturnal barking in dogs and excessive nocturnal meowing in cats, both diagnosed with dementia.
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
channa, kougoed
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
Zone 11 +4.4 °C (40 °F) to +7.2 °C (50 °F)
Latin Name
Piper methysticum
Psychoactive Effects
sedation, relaxation, and relief of anxiety.
Medicinal Benefits
relieve pain, prevent seizures, and relax muscles
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
awa, ava, yaqona, sakau, seka, malok
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
Zone 11 +4.4 °C (40 °F) to +7.2 °C (50 °F)
Latin Name
Catha edulis
Psychoactive Effects
mood changes, increased alertness, excessive talkativeness, hyperactivity, excitement, aggressiveness, anxiety, elevated blood pressure, manic behavior, paranoia, and psychoses. Trouble sleeping (insomnia), loss of energy (malaise), and lack of concentration usually follow.
Medicinal Benefits
Stomach ulcers.
Elevating mood.
Male infertility.
Reducing the need for food and sleep.
Decreasing sexual desire.
Increasing aggression.
Other conditions.
Federal Schedule
one, four
Common Names
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
Zone 8b -9.4 °C (15 °F) to -6.7 °C (20 °F)
Latin Name
Mitragyna Speciosa
Psychoactive Effects
The leaves smoked or eaten with food can cause sedation, pleasure and decreased pain
Medicinal Benefits
Kratom works to control withdrawal symptoms and cravings caused by addiction to opioids or alcohol
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
USDA Zone 9a: to -6.6 °C (20 °F)
USDA Zone 9b: to -3.8 °C (25 °F)
USDA Zone 10a: to -1.1 °C (30 °F)
Lion' Tail
Latin Name
Leonotis leonurus
Psychoactive Effects
The effect of Leonotis Leonurus is that of a mild relaxant. It can create a gentle euphoric buzz, and helps increase feelings of relaxation and comfort. It doesn’t have the potent hit of cannabis, taking a while to build up as you progressively use it.
Medicinal Benefits
Leonotis leonurus has a long history of medicinal use by traditional African tribes. It was commonly used for headaches, flu, dysentery, chest infections, epilepsy, constipation, intestinal worms, insect bites, snake bites, menstrual delays and hypertension.
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
wild dagga
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
Zone 9a -6.7 °C (20 °F) to -3.9 °C (25 °F)
Latin Name
Mandragora officinarum
Psychoactive Effects
hallucinogenic, and hypnotic effects
Medicinal Benefits
treating stomach ulcers, colic, constipation, asthma, hay fever, convulsions, arthritis-like pain (rheumatism), and whooping cough.
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
USDA Zone 6a: to -23.3 °C (-10 °F)
USDA Zone 6b: to -20.5 °C (-5 °F)
USDA Zone 7a: to -17.7 °C (0 °F)
USDA Zone 7b: to -14.9 °C (5 °F)
USDA Zone 8a: to -12.2 °C (10 °F)
USDA Zone 8b: to -9.4 °C (15 °F)
Dream Herb
Latin Name
Calea ternifolia, Calea zacatechichi
Psychoactive Effects
hallucinogen and to increase dreams.
Medicinal Benefits
appetite stimulant, cleansing agent, calming agent, laxative, and for treatment of diarrhea, dysentery, fever, skin rashes, swollen scalps, "cold stomach", and headache.
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
bitter grass, Mexican calea
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
USDA Zone 9a: to -6.6 °C (20 °F)
USDA Zone 9b: to -3.8 °C (25 °F)
USDA Zone 10a: to -1.1 °C (30 °F)
USDA Zone 10b: to 1.7 °C (35 °F)
USDA Zone 11: above 4.5 °C (40 °F)
Latin Name
Myristica fragrans
Psychoactive Effects
convulsions, palpitations, nausea, eventual dehydration, and generalized body pain when consumed in large amounts.
Medicinal Benefits
relieve pain
soothe indigestion
strengthen cognitive function
detoxify the body
boost skin health
alleviate oral conditions
reduce insomnia,
increase immune system function,
prevent leukemia,
improve blood circulation.
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
fragrant nutmeg, true nutmeg
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
Zone 13 +15.6 °C (60 °F) to +21.1 °C (70 °F)
Latin Name
Turbina corymbosa
Psychoactive Effects
It has been reported that the honey produced from the nectar of T. corymbosa can have hallucinogenic effects.
Medicinal Benefits
The seeds are used to counteract flatulence, rheumatism, eye problems, venereal diseases and to remove tumours (Schultes, 1941; Pratt, 2007). The plant is also used as an analgesic to mitigate pain (Schultes, 1941). In Puebla, Mexico, a drink made of leaves is used to ease labour (Martínez Alfaro et al., 2001). The infusion of roots, branches and leaves is also used in Cuba to induce labour contractions (Roig, 1988).
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
ololiúqui, Christmaspops, snakeplant
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
Opium Poppy
Latin Name
Papaver somniferum
Psychoactive Effects
Alleviates anxiety; induce relaxation, drowsiness, and sedation; and may impart a state of euphoria or other enhanced mood. Opiates also have important physiological effects: they slow respiration and heartbeat, suppress the cough reflex, and relax the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract.
Medicinal Benefits
Pain relief, rich in antioxidants, heart and skin health, digestion, fertility, insomnia remedy for some
Federal Schedule
Common Names
breadseed poppy
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
8b, 8a, 9b, 9a, 10b, 10a
Passion Flower
Latin Name
Psychoactive Effects
Medicinal Benefits
Passiflora incarnata may help treat anxiety and insomnia. Native Americans have used passionflower to treat a variety of conditions. These include boils, wounds, earaches, and liver problems.
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
passion vines
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
Peruvian Torch Cactus
Latin Name
Echinopsis peruviana, Trichocereus peruvianus
Psychoactive Effects
The effects produced by this cactus are mainly alterations in the perceptions and in the thought and consciousness of the self.
Medicinal Benefits
Diuretic, cleansing, headaches, kidney pain, back and lower back pain, and to heal wounds
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
USDA Zone 10a: to -1.1 °C (30 °F)
USDA Zone 10b: to 1.7 °C (35 °F)
USDA Zone 11: above 4.5 °C (40 °F)
Latin Name
Lophophora williamsii
Psychoactive Effects
vivid visual or auditory effects
Medicinal Benefits
Works for ailments like toothaches, pain in childbirth, fever, breast pain, skin diseases, rheumatism, diabetes, colds, and blindness
200 - 400 mg of pure mescaline
10 - 20 g of dried peyote (Shulgin 1991)
Federal Schedule
Common Names
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
March - May, sometimes as late as September
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
Zone 8b -9.4 °C (15 °F) to -6.7 °C (20 °F)
Pinwheel Flower
Latin Name
Tabernaemontana divaricata
Psychoactive Effects
Medicinal Benefits
Relieving inflammatory and acute pain
emmenagogue, aphrodisiac, tonic, purgative, tonic to the brain, the liver
and spleen
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
crape jasmine, East India rosebay, Nero's crown
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
Zone 9a -6.7 °C (20 °F) to -3.9 °C (25 °F)
Pituri Bush
Latin Name
Duboisia hopwoodii
Psychoactive Effects
Effects In smaller doses, pituri suppresses hunger and thirst and strengthens endurance. In larger doses, pituri produces detachment from time and space, hallucinations, and illusions. Its effects mirror those of tobacco in many ways. Like tobacco, in small doses pituri is used as a stimulant and mild tranquilizer. And like tobacco, it was a social plant, used in greetings, councils, and diplomacy. But certain effects are reported for pituri that are unusual for nicotine alone.
Medicinal Benefits
Pituri is now regarded as a bush medicine, a wild medicinal plant that “bushwalkers” use as an analgesic
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
pitchuri thornapple, pitcheri
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
Latin Name
Salvia officinalis
Psychoactive Effects
Both doses of sage led to improved ratings of mood in the absence of the stressor (that is, in pre-DISS mood scores) postdose, with the lower dose reducing anxiety and the higher dose increasing 'alertness', 'calmness' and 'contentedness' on the Bond-Lader mood scales. The reduced anxiety effect following the lower dose was, however, abolished by performing the DISS, with the same dose also being associated with a reduction of alertness during performance.
Medicinal Benefits
Sage is used for digestive problems, including loss of appetite, gas (flatulence), stomach pain (gastritis), diarrhea, bloating, and heartburn. It is also used for reducing overproduction of perspiration and saliva; and for depression, memory loss, and Alzheimer's disease.
Women use sage for painful menstrual periods, to correct excessive milk flow during nursing, and to reduce hot flashes during menopause.
Sage is applied directly to the skin for cold sores; gum disease (gingivitis); sore mouth, throat or tongue; and swollen, painful nasal passages.
Some people inhale sage for asthma.
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
common sage, garden sage, golden sage, kitchen sage, true sage, culinary sage, Dalmatian sage, broadleaf sage
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
Zone 4a -34.4 °C (-30 °F) to -31.7 °C (-25 °F)
Common Saint John's Wort
Latin Name
Hypericum perforatum
Psychoactive Effects
reduce anxiety and depression
Medicinal Benefits
Menopause-related symptoms
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
Smoking cessation
Viral infections
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
perforate St John's wort, St John's wort
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
Zone 2 -45.6 °C (-50 °F) to -42.8 °C (-45°F)
Sakae Naa
Latin Name
Combretum quadrangulare
Psychoactive Effects
Sakae Naa has effects that are similar to M. speciosa. In Asia it’s favoured for the energizing, stimulating feeling which some users experience as a ‘rush’ not unlike the rush one feels from caffeine.
Secondary effects include mood-lifting and mild sedative effects. For the sole intent of relaxation Sakae Naa is not the best option available, but in combination with work or other activities it provides a pleasant stimulus. Effects come on quickly and last up to 4 hours.
Medicinal Benefits
The plant’s seeds and roots have a long history of use as anti-bacterial and antihelminthic (anti-parasite) agents. Research on Sakae Naa has also illuminated the plant’s pain-relieving, mood-elevating, and sedating properties.
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
San Pedro Cactus
Latin Name
Echinopsis pachanoi, Trichocereus pachanoi
Psychoactive Effects
alterations in the perceptions and in the thought and consciousness of the self
Medicinal Benefits
relieve hypertension, circulatory and cardiovascular problems
For the headache. The clean stem is used and cut into slices and placed on the forehead for a while.
For kidney pain. A slice of the stem is used as a poultice in the area of pain.
For back pain or low back pain. Slices of the stem should be heated and with this perform a poultice that will be placed well attached to the waist. It is necessary to change about three times a day.
To heal wounds. A stem slice is used on the wound.
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
achuma, huachuma, wachuma, aguacolla, hahuacollay, giganton
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
Latin Name
Sassafras albidum
Psychoactive Effects
Sassafras can cause sweating and hot flashes. High amounts can cause vomiting, high blood pressure, hallucinations, and other severe side effects.
Medicinal Benefits
Despite serious safety concerns, sassafras is used for urinary tract disorders, swelling in the nose and throat, syphilis, bronchitis, high blood pressure in older people, gout, arthritis, skin problems, and cancer. It is also used as a tonic and “blood purifier.”
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
white sassafras, red sassafras, silky sassafras
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
Zone 4a -34.4 °C (-30 °F) to -31.7 °C (-25 °F)
Latin Name
Heimia salicifolia
Psychoactive Effects
The drink brewed from Heimia salicifolia produces only mild psychoactive effects:
Sinicuiche has a weak intoxicating effect. It induces a pleasant, slightly euphoric dizziness and numbness, and the surroundings are perceived as being darker. Auditory hallucinations occur as the inebriated person hears indistinct sounds from a great distance. The world around one shrinks. No unpleasant aftereffects are known. (Scholz and Eigner 1983, 75*)
Medicinal Benefits
It is diuretic in nature
It has anti inflammatory properties
It acts as a sedative.
It helps in vascular dilation.
It acts as a tranquilliser
It is anti spasmodic in nature.
It is hyperglycaemic too.
It is anticholinergic.
It is also hypotensive
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
shrubby yellowcrest, sun opener, willow-leaf heimia, sini
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
8b -9.4 °C (15 °F) to -6.7 °C (20 °F)
Sleepy Grass
Latin Name
Achnatherum robustum
Psychoactive Effects
The plant is hypnotic. It is used for inducing sleep.
Medicinal Benefits
Sleeping disorders
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
African Rue
Latin Name
Peganum harmala
Psychoactive Effects
hallucinogenic effects, from closed eye visuals, all the way to open eyed patterns and distortions.
Medicinal Benefits
wide range of pharmacological effects including cardiovascular, nervous system, gastrointestinal, antimicrobial, antidiabetic, osteogenic, immunomodulatory, emmenagogue, and antitumor activity among many other effects
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
wild rue, Syrian rue, esfand, harmel
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
Latin Name
Nicotiana tabacum
Psychoactive Effects
tranquilizing effects with deep drags, feelings of invigoration and mental alertness with short puffs
Medicinal Benefits
Lower risk of obesity, lower risk of parkinsons
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
1 (fused)
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
USDA Zone 9a: to -6.6 °C (20 °F)
USDA Zone 9b: to -3.8 °C (25 °F)
USDA Zone 10a: to -1.1 °C (30 °F)
USDA Zone 10b: to 1.7 °C (35 °F)
USDA Zone 11: above 4.5 °C (40 °F)
Latin Name
Valeriana officinalis
Psychoactive Effects
visual illusions (Felter and Lloyd 1898)
Medicinal Benefits
induce calming sensation and promotes sleep, antispasmodic, stimulant, relieves irritability and pain (Felter and Lloyd 1898)
powder: 1/2 - 2 drachms, every 3 or 4 hours
infusion: 1 - 2 fluid ounces
extract: 20 - 60 drops in a little water
tincture: 1 - 2 fluid drachms
oil: 2 - 6 drops
ammoniated tincture: 1 - 2 fluid drachms
specific valerian: 2 - 30 drops (Felter and Lloyd 1898)
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
garden valerian, garden heliotrope, setwall, all-heal
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Europe, excluding extremes, temperate regions of Asia
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
June - August
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
fall, once leaves have died on 2 year old plants
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
Zone 2 -45.6 °C (-50 °F) to -42.8 °C (-45°F)
Latin Name
Voacanga africana
Psychoactive Effects
hallucinogenic effects
Medicinal Benefits
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
Native Region
western Africa
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
Wild Lettuce
Latin Name
Lactuca Virosa
Psychoactive Effects
Medicinal Benefits
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
bitter lettuce, laitue vireuse, opium lettuce, poisonous lettuce, tall lettuce, great lettuce, rakutu-karyumu-so
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Europe, North Africa, central Russia, west Asia
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
July - September
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
Latin Name
Artemisia absinthium
Psychoactive Effects
excite sexuality, stimulate ideas and conversation, or dissolve the brain
Medicinal Benefits
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
grand wormwood, absinthe, absinthium, absinthe wormwood, mugwort, wermout, wermud, wormit, wormod
Native Region
eastern Mediterranean
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
temperate regions of Eurasia, Northern Africa
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
late summer
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
Zone 3 -40 °C (-40 °F) to -37.2 °C (-35)
Yellow Horned Poppy
Latin Name
Glaucium flavum
Psychoactive Effects
sedation, fatigue, and a hallucinogenic effect characterised by colourful visual images
Medicinal Benefits
Glaucine has bronchodilator and antiinflammatory effects, acting as a PDE4 inhibitor and calcium channel blocker,[15] and is used medically as an antitussive in some countries.
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
sea-poppy, horned poppy, yellow horned poppy
Native Region
Indigenous Tribe Use
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
Plant Hardiness Zone
Zone 5b -26.1 °C (-15 °F) to -23.3 °C (-10 °F)
Yerba Mate
Latin Name
Ilex paraguariensis
Psychoactive Effects
caffeine, which in some people can cause side effects such as inability to sleep (insomnia), nervousness and restlessness, upset stomach, nausea and vomiting, increased heart rate and breathing
Medicinal Benefits
relieve mental and physical tiredness (fatigue), as well as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). It is also taken by mouth for heart-related complaints including heart failure, irregular heartbeat, and low blood pressure
capsule: 600-900mg, 1 - 3 daily, typically consumed as a beverage (Wolters Kluwer Health Inc, 2013) [online database]
Federal Schedule
presumed legal
Common Names
tereré, ka'a
Native Region
subtropical South America
Indigenous Tribe Use
Guaraní, Tupí
Species Distribution
Plant Type
Petal Count
Time of Year Plant Flowers
October - December
Time of Year Plant Becomes Optimally Useful
Dormant in Their Rhizomes
Time of Year to Plant
March - May
Plant Hardiness Zone
USDA Zone 9a: to -6.6 °C (20 °F)
USDA Zone 9b: to -3.8 °C (25 °F)
USDA Zone 10a: to -1.1 °C (30 °F)
USDA Zone 10b: to 1.7 °C (35 °F)
USDA Zone 11: above 4.5 °C (40 °F)
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