Winter Foraging



Latin Name

Quercus robur


deciduous forest, sparse trees and parkland

Edible Parts

acorns, bark and leaves medicinal

Edible Preparation

acorns: dry, shell, leach, eat

Medicinal Benefits

bark: powder for gum disease; mouth ulcers; gum problems apply to gums

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Latin Name

Malus domestica


found along forest edges, in disused or abandoned fields, and in shrubby areas and former clearings. Because they grow best in full sun, they will fruit less and lose their vitality as other trees grow up around them*

Edible Parts


Edible Preparation

thalamus: pick, clean, eat raw or cooked*

Medicinal Benefits

thalamus: regulate digestive system, constipation, diarrhea, neutralize effects of fatty foods, purify blood, gout, rheumatism, and prevent gallstones; bark: tonic to relieve biliousness, fever, digestion, dysentery, boils, insect stings, rabid dog bites, and toothache*




Latin Name

Fagus grandifolia


rich mesic woodlands, wooded slopes, bluffs, shady riverbanks, and better-drained areas in swamps*

Edible Parts

nut, leaves*

Edible Preparation

nut: pick, de-hull, roast, eat; leaves: clean, eat raw or cooked*

Medicinal Benefits

leaves: poultice or salve for analgesic properties, headaches, other mild pain-related issues; bark: powder to medicate headaches, epilepsy, hydrophobia, and vertigo*


Birch Bark

Latin Name

Betula alba


deciduous forest, sparse trees and parkland, wet clay to loam

Edible Parts

sap, leaves, inner bark

Edible Preparation

sap: drink, leaves: wash, eat, inner bark: grind into flour

Medicinal Benefits

bark: tea for purifying blood, tonifiying to the whole body, diarrhea, dysentery, cholera infantum, and canker sores; oil for warts and joint pain*


Birch Polypore

Latin Name

Fomitopsis betulina


almost exclusively restricted to dead or dying birch trees*

Edible Parts

whole fungi*

Edible Preparation

wash, dry, steep, drink*

Medicinal Benefits

tea: antibacterial, anti-parasitic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, neuro-protective, and immunomodulating activities*


Birch Sap

Latin Name

Betula pendula


deciduous forest, sparse trees and parkland, wet clay to loam

Edible Parts

sap, leaves, inner bark

Edible Preparation

sap: drink, leaves: wash, eat, inner bark: grind into flour

Medicinal Benefits

cosmetic: skincare, acne, eczema, inflammation; drink: diuretic, kidney stone, gout, liver health, anti-cancer, oral health*


Black Walnuts

Latin Name

Juglans nigra


grows mostly in riparian zones, thrives best in the warmer regions of fertile, lowland soils with high water tables, although it will also grow in drier soils, but much more slowly*

Edible Parts


Edible Preparation

nut: de-hull, wash, eat raw, roast or grind into flour*

Medicinal Benefits

nut: anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, weight loss, heart health; hull: extract to treat parasitic infections and inflammation*


Burdock Root

Latin Name

Arctium minus, A. Lappa


grassland, freshwater riparian zones, saltwater riparian zones, river banks, stream banks, creek banks, full sun, partial sun, moist, loam

Edible Parts

root, leaves, shoots, stems

Edible Preparation

root: wash, peel, eat; leaves: tri-par boil, eat; shoots: peel, eat; stems: peel, eat

Medicinal Benefits

root: decoction for blood cleanser, antiseptic, acne, boils, eczema, arthritis drink; leaves: poultice for boils, acne, apply to affected area; seeds: decoction for diuretic, blood cleanser



Latin Name

Typha angustifolia, typha latifolia


salt water riparian zones, river banks, stream banks, creek banks, swamp, marsh, full sun, wet, silt, sandy soil

Edible Parts

leaves, bud, rhizome, flower, pollen, lateral rhizome

Edible Preparation

leaves: peel, wash, eat; bud: wash, peel, eat; rhizome: peel, wash, eat; flower: wash, eat; pollen: sift, add to food, eat; lateral rhizome: peel, wash, eat

Medicinal Benefits

leaves: poultice for antiseptic, blood thickener, faster wound recovery apply to wound; sap: raw for antiseptic, faster wound recovery apply to wound; rhizome: raw for slow bleeding, reduce menstrual bleeding eat; rhizome: powder for blood thickener apply to wound



Latin Name

Inonotus obliquus


found on living birch trees in the more northern parts of Europe, Asia, as well as in Canada and in the more northeastern areas of the United States. In particular, it is most commonly found on paper and yellow birch trees*

Edible Parts

whole fungi*

Edible Preparation

rinse, break up, dry, grind, steep, drink; rinse, break up, dry, add to stew/soup, eat*

Medicinal Benefits

drink: tea to prevent inflammation, anti-cancer, obesity, improve cognitive function, lowers blood sugar and cholesterol*



Latin Name

Cichorium intybus


sparse trees and parkland, grassland, full sun, partial sun, moist, dry, clay

Edible Parts

leaves, root

Edible Preparation

leaves: wash, eat; root: wash, roast, eat

Medicinal Benefits

root: tea for parasites, laxative, stimulant, loss of appetite, anti cancer, jaundice, cleanse liver, drink



Latin Name

Stellaria media


sparse trees and park land, grassland, full shade, partial shade, moist, clay, loam

Edible Parts

whole plant

Edible Preparation

whole plant: wash, eat

Medicinal Benefits

whole plant: poultice for anti inflammatory apply to bites, stings, rash, eczema, shingles



Latin Name



wet (acidic) soils yet can tolerate occasional drought or flooding*

Edible Parts


Edible Preparation

berries: pick, wash, add to juicer, drink*

Medicinal Benefits

berry: inflammation, anti-cancer, immune support, heart health, packed with antioxidants*


Conifer Needles

Latin Name



coniferous forest, partial sun, moist, acidic loam, sandy soil

Edible Parts

nut, inner bark, cones, needles

Edible Preparation

nut: wash, eat; inner bark: peel, wash, eat; cones: wash bake, eat; needles: wash, steep, drink tea

Medicinal Benefits

needles: tea for diuretic, laxative, anti inflammatory, drink; sap: raw for burns, sores, apply to wound



Latin Name

Malus fusca


temperate coniferous forest, primarily in the Cascade Range and the Pacific Coast Ranges*

Edible Parts

fruit, bark*

Edible Preparation

bark: wash, dry, steep, drink; fruit: wash, pulp, make jam or wash, cook, eat*

Medicinal Benefits

bark and/or fruit: infusion for stomach disorders, skin and eye infections, and as an analgesic*



Latin Name

Vaccinium macrocarpon


open bogs, swamps, and along lakesides*

Edible Parts


Edible Preparation

berries: wash, eat raw or chop and add to dishes; pick, wash, pulp, strain, drink*

Medicinal Benefits

berries: juice or dried for UTI, diabetes, diarrhea, gout, oral health, peptic ulcer disease, and yeast infections*



Latin Name

Rumex acetosella


grasslands, full sun, moist, acidic, sandy soil

Edible Parts

leaves, root

Edible Preparation

leaves: wash, eat; root: wash, eat

Medicinal Benefits

leaves: raw for infections, mouth ulcers, scurvy, loss of appetite, fevers, eat


Goosefoot Seed

Latin Name

Chenopodium spp.


grasslands, full sun, moist, loam

Edible Parts

leaves, seeds

Edible Preparation

leaves: wash, eat; seeds: separate seeds from husks, boil, eat

Medicinal Benefits

root: tea for laxative, anemia drink; leaves: poultice for arthritis, abrasions apply to affected area



Latin Name

Vitis vinifera


thickets along rivers and other naturally open habitats, and often drape trees in open forests or at forest edges*

Edible Parts

fruit, leaves, seed (as oil or extract)*

Edible Preparation

fruit: wash, eat dried or raw; leaves: pick, dry, steep, drink*

Medicinal Benefits

leaves: tea or tincture used as venotonic, vasoprotective, astringent, diuretic; fruit: vitamin, restorative; seed: oil for increase vascular permeability*


Hawthorn Berries

Latin Name



large, dense thickets. Generally they occur on moist, deep, fine-textured soils. They are typically found in woods and are commonly used as hedges*

Edible Parts

berries, leaves, flower*

Edible Preparation

berries: wash, pulp, make jelly, ketchup or wine; leaves or flowers: pick, dry, steep, drink*

Medicinal Benefits

berry, leaves or flowers: tea or extract for cardiovascular health, angina, blood pressure and high cholesterol*


Highbush Cranberries

Latin Name

Viburnum trilobum


damp thickets and moist woods, but it also can grow on drier sites. It does best on rich, moist and loamy soils in locations with mostly or full sunlight although it is quite tolerant partial shade*

Edible Parts

berries, bark*

Edible Preparation

berries: pick, wash, pulp, eat as jam or pick, wash, pulp, strain, drink; peel, wash, dry, steep, drink*

Medicinal Benefits

berry: juice to treat high blood pressure and UTI; bark: tinctures or tea as anti-spasmodic and menstrual cramps*



Latin Name



rich moist woods, it is also found on dry gravelly slopes and ridges, often in the shade of oaks and other large trees*

Edible Parts

nutlets, bark, heartwood*

Edible Preparation

nutlets: raw, roasted, boil, or ground up, eat; bark and heartwood: boil, drink*

Medicinal Benefits

bark: decoction for sore muscles, infusion for toothache; heartwood: infusion used for lung haemorrhages, coughs and colds, catarrh and kidney problems*


Jerusalem Artichoke

Latin Name

Helianthus tuberosus


moist to mesic black soil prairies, prairie remnants along railroads, moist meadows along rivers, woodland borders, thickets, roadsides and areas along railroads, slopes of ditches and drainage canals, and miscellaneous waste areas*

Edible Parts


Edible Preparation

root: wash, eat raw or cook or eat pickled*

Medicinal Benefits

root: cooked or raw as an aperient, aphrodisiac, cholagogue, diuretic, spermatogenetic, stomachic, and tonic, Possibly, diabetes and rheumatism*


Juniper Berries

Latin Name

Juniperus communis


dry or moist coniferous or mixed forests, broadleaf woods, rock outcrops, dry pastures, forest clearings, and even in field and road margins*

Edible Parts


Edible Preparation

berries: wash, add to dishes, eat*

Medicinal Benefits

berries or extract: diuretic, anti-arthritis, anti-diabetes, antiseptic as well as for the treatment of gastrointestinal and autoimmune disorders*


Maple Sap

Latin Name

Acer saccharum


mostly found north of the 42nd parallel in USDA growing zones 3–5. It is less common in the southern part of its range (USDA Zone 6) where summers are hot and humid; there sugar maple is confined to ravines and moist flatlands*

Edible Parts

sap, leaves, seed*

Edible Preparation

sap: find tree, add spile, collect, boil down, store; leave or seed: collect, rinse, boil, consume*

Medicinal Benefits

sap: tonic for rheumatism, arthritis, inflammatory conditions*


Maple Seeds

Latin Name



cold climates and humid environmental conditions*

Edible Parts

sap, leaves, seed*

Edible Preparation

sap: find tree, add spile, collect, boil down, store; leave or seed: collect, rinse, boil, consume*

Medicinal Benefits

seeds and leaves: (tonic) diuretic, anti scorbutic, choleric, antiseptic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and wound healing*


Miner’s Lettuce

Latin Name

Claytonia perfoliata


deciduous forest, mixed forest, freshwater riparian zones, salt water riparian zones, river banks, stream banks, creek banks, partial shade, moist, loam, sandy soil

Edible Parts

stems, leaves

Edible Preparation

stems: wash, eat; leaves: wash, eat

Medicinal Benefits

leaves: raw for scurvy eat



Latin Name

Pleurotus ostreatus


deciduous forest

Edible Parts

above end of stem*

Edible Preparation

cut stem, rinse, cook, eat*

Medicinal Benefits

eat: anti diabetic, antibacterial, anticholestrolic, antiarthritic, antioxidant, anticancer, eye health, antiviral activities*


Partridge Berries

Latin Name

Mitchella repens


rocky upland woodlands, sandy savannas, slopes of wooded sand dunes, sandstone ledges along ravines, mossy boulders in wooded ravines, edges of red maple swamps, and bogs*

Edible Parts

leaves, berries

Edible Preparation*

leaves: dry, steep, drink; berries: wash, add to dish, eat*

Medicinal Benefits

drink: tincture as an emmenagogue, astringent, diuretic, parturient and styptic. Ease menstrual cramps, help with labor pains and ease delivery*


Pine Nuts

Latin Name



coniferous forest, partial sun, moist, acidic loam, sandy soil

Edible Parts

nut, inner bark, cones, needles

Edible Preparation

nut: wash, eat; inner bark: peel, wash, eat; cones: wash bake, eat; needles: wash, steep, drink tea

Medicinal Benefits

needles: tea for diuretic, laxative, anti inflammatory, drink; sap: raw for burns, sores, apply to wound


Rose Hip

Latin Name



coniferous forest, deciduous forest, sparse trees, parkland, partial sun, moist, clay, loam, silt, sandy soil

Edible Parts

hips, flowers

Edible Preparation

hips: wash, eat; flowers: wash, steep, drink

Medicinal Benefits

flower: tea for irritated skin, sores, dry skin, burns, apply to affected area


Shasta Daisy Greens

Latin Name

Leucanthemum × superbum


grows in almost every U.S. climate zone, can be placed in various soils, and do well in full sun or partial shade*

Edible Parts

petals, leaves*

Edible Preparation

leaves or petals: cut, rinse, add to salad or other dish, eat*

Medicinal Benefits

leaves or petals: extract or ointment for detoxification, rheumatic pain, lower fever, heavy menstruation, woulds, digestive health, respiratory health, and skin health*



Latin Name

Gaultheria procumbens


shady and wet woodland areas where ferns, mushrooms and moss thrive*

Edible Parts

fruit, leaves*

Edible Preparation

fruit: wash, eat raw or cooked; leaves: wash, dry, steep, drink or wash, eat raw*

Medicinal Benefits

leaves: oil used as analgesic, anti-inflammatory, aromatic, astringent, carminative, diuretic, emmenagogue, stimulant and tonic; infusion: flatulence and colic*



Latin Name

Cirsium, carduus


wide range of environments but prefers disturbed areas. It tends to grow best in soils with intermediate moisture although it will grow in dry and wet soils. It likes pastures, edges of woods, waste places, fence lines and roadsides*

Edible Parts

stalks, leaves (spines removed), roots, and unopened flower bud*

Edible Preparation

leaves: remove spines, eat raw or cook; mid-rib: remove spines, eat raw or cook; stalk: steam or boil, eat; flower bud: cut open, steam or boil, eat; root: chop, wash, cook, eat*

Medicinal Benefits

root: poultice on sore jaws; hot infusion of the whole plant as herbal steam for treating rheumatic joints; decoction of the whole plant to treat internally and externally bleeding piles*


Tinder Polypore

Latin Name

Fomes fomentarius


grows alone, but multiple fruit bodies can sometimes be found upon the same host trunk. The species most typically grows upon hardwoods*

Edible Parts

not edible, solely medicinal*

Edible Preparation


Medicinal Benefits

decoction: Hemorrhoids, bladder disorders, dysmenorrhea, diuretic, laxative, anxiety, anti-cancer, lungs*


Turkey Tail

Latin Name

Trametes versicolor


deciduous forest

Edible Parts

whole fungi*

Edible Preparation

brush, steep, drink

Medicinal Benefits

drink: tea for anti cancer, cold, flu, support immune system, drink



Latin Name



freshwater riparian zones, river banks, stream banks, creek banks, pools, ponds, lakes, streams, full sun, wet, loam, sandy soil

Edible Parts

leaves, pods, stems

Edible Preparation

leaves: wash, eat; pods: wash, eat; stems: wash, eat

Medicinal Benefits

leaves: poultice for acne, eczema, rashes, skin infections, apply to affected area


Wild Carrot

Latin Name

Daucus carota


fields, meadows, waste areas, roadsides and disturbed habitats. They are very hardy and thrive in a dry environment*

Edible Parts

flower, seeds, roots, leaves*

Edible Preparation

flower: pick, clean, eat raw or fried; seeds: clean, add to soups or stews, eat; root: cut, clean, cook, eat (first year); leaves: pick, clean, add to soups or cooked foods, eat*

Medicinal Benefits

eat: oil for urinary tract problems including kidney stones, bladder problems, water retention, and excess uric acid in the urine; and also for gout, a painful joint problem caused by too much uric acid, severe diarrhea (dysentery), indigestion, and intestinal gas*


Wild Parsnip

Latin Name

Pastinaca sativa


moist to mesic black soil prairies, savannas, pastures and fields, weedy meadows, areas along railroads and roadsides, vacant lots, and waste areas*

Edible Parts


Edible Preparation

root: harvest, wash, boil or fry, eat; harvest, dry, steep, drink*

Medicinal Benefits

roots: tea used in the treatment of women's complaints; poultice applied topically for inflammations and sores*


Willow Bark

Latin Name



deciduous trees and shrubs, found primarily on moist soils in cold and temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere*

Edible Parts


Edible Preparation

bark: peel, dry, steep, drink*

Medicinal Benefits

bark: chew to remedy fever and aches*


Witches Butter

Latin Name

Tremella mesenterica


on living birch trees in the more northern parts of Europe, Asia, as well as in Canada and in the more northeastern areas of the United States*

Edible Parts

whole fungi*

Edible Preparation

boil, steam, or fry, eat*

Medicinal Benefits

eat: immune-stimulating, immune-modulating, radiation protection, hypoglycemic, anti-inflammatory, hepato-protective, anti-allergenic, demulcent, hypocholesterolemic, anti-diabetic, anti-tussive, anti-asthmatic*




By Kelvinsong - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,


By derivative work: McSush (talk)Leaf_morphology_no_title.png: User: Debivort - Leaf_morphology_no_title.png, CC BY-SA 3.0,