Fellowshipof.us WaterTek
Fellowshipof.us WaterTek
This is our definitive guide to wild water distillation.
Fellowshipof.us WaterTek is a process you have not seen before. This is the most effective survival water technique for all natural wild water purification we use. This basic framework will show you an all natural method to distill water, not just remove particulate and microorganisms. Fellowshipof.us WaterTek is designed to be available in all seasons, without tools, and most geographic locations.
Go outside!
1. Locate Water Source
Don’t have a water source picked out? You can learn how to find one in just about any situation []here
2. Source Condensation Surface Suspension Location
Next, make sure to locate your boiling vessel under an overhang. We recommend using a small twig on a live sapling for suspension of your condensation surface.
If you're making a fire and not in a nomadic exfiltration situation, you can see our GhostTek article []here, consider positioning this sapling near your Fellowshipos.uf ShelterTek []here. There is no point to double work if you are just practicing technique.
The next thing you're going to do is when you have that you're gonna want to start your coals first because they are going to take a while to make while that is happening, go source, the other materials.
3. Execute Fellowshipof.us FireTek []here
Then, get your fire coals started early and build them while you gather other materials to save time.
4. Craft Tongs
Consider quickly crafting some tongs. You don’t need a set of tongs, but they are easily made, quick, and convienient. You only have find a fresh wood sapling about an inch thick. Break off the ends and then fold it over on each other and you can easily make-shift tongs. Of course, you can also use two twigs to grab stones and move them from pit to vessels.
5. Source Boiling Stones
Stones for boiling water shouldn’t just be any stone. At a minimum, each stone should be over the size of a golf ball. Denser stone, rocks that are of equivalent size, but feel heavier, should be your choice. Without getting into a discussion on porous stone, or stone from a water source, heavier is better as a general rule.
6. Build Condensation Surface
This is our key innovation. Just incase you realize there are other winter plant materials that can be substituted here, we do too, but are trying to mitigate other issues that may arise by utilizting a winter available plant like Ilex Opaca (American Holly). Live pine needle branches can also be a quicker solution, but may not be available in your location.
You will only need to fabricate a hydroscopic surface. Think of something non-absorbic to water. Although in a pinch, a piece of fabric or clothing would also work.
Ferns are perennials. They grow in many locations, seasons, and climate conditions. Ferns are readily available durning a harsh winter. They are also fibrous, and will not degrade to heat or moister as easily an another available plant.
With a basic understanding of basket weaving, you will be able to quickly assemble a condensation surface for wild distillation. The fern matte you are going to make should be large enough to cover your surface area. We recommend at least by 12 inch by 12 inch matte that is suspended at least 3 feet over your boiling vessel. Each case is different based on the boiling velocity of your water vessel, the temperature, wind conditions, shelter and closure variables. Practice makes perfect.
Although, you do not need a condensation surface backing plate, if available or necessary you may want to add a backing of cross weaved sapling twigs to reinforce your fern condensation matte. Simply, weave the existing matte into this backing plate or spike it with small twigs.
Gather around 30 - 40 ferns leaves of equivalent length. Be respectful not to over harvest. Only pull partially from one fern source as to avoid killing it off. Lay half of them horizontally on a flat surface like the ground and then interweave the other half of your ferns leave vertically through each leaf. The resulting product with be a simple make-shift matte.
This is what you will be suspending over the build water vapor to condense onto. The condensed water vapor will then be gathered in your collection vessel.
7. Craft Boiling And Collection Vessels
Next, is the most time consuming task. You will need to craft a vessel to boil water in. Although, you can get by for drinking purposes, it may make sense for you to have up to 3. So assess and determine your need early. Fabricating all of these wooden containers at the same time will be most efficient.
To craft a boiling, dipping, and/or collection vessel use the following method.
Locate a piece of thick wood, preferably soft wood. You are not looking for branched or twigs here. But a solid piece that you can fashion a bowl from so pick a piece that is thick on both width, length, and depth. The object you are making is 3 dimensional. So if you can search out pieces that are 12x12x12.
Next, from the hot coals in the fire use your tongs to place them in the center of this piece of wood. Let them slowly burn out the core of this wood as you make a depression to eventually hold liquid. To speed this process up, snap off a good poking/scraping stick to keep scraping at the base where the ash develops. This will speed up production time. Continually, introduce new hot coals to the center of this wood as you create the form of a liquid reciprocal or bowl.
Once you have a depression sufficient to hold water, and your boiling stones removed, empty the remaining burning coals. Scrape the interior base of the bowl to the best of your ability. If you can, run it through your original water source to get rid of as much ash as possible.
Now you have at least a boiling vessel, but also perhaps boiling stone dipping vessel, and a collection vessel for you distilled water.
8. Suspend Condensation Surface
Now, position your fern matte above where the steam will comfort your boiling vessel. You will want to poke a sapling branch through the matte off-center. This will give you a slight tilt to the surface which is important. The condensed vapor will begin to pool and drip from the matte edge closest to the ground. Place your collection vessel, if using one, under this drip stream.
If you have on hand, feel free to use a piece of makeshift cordage such as vine, or bark/cork cambium.
9. Execute Fellowship.us WaterTek []here
Finally, we you are now ready to distill water with only what was naturally and readily available.
If you want to do a quick filtration to remove particulate from the water you have sourced, feel free. Look []here for methods on how to do so.
Place your boiling stones in your fire coals. Once they have become heated well, use your tongs to remove them and, if available quickly rinse these stones in your dipping vessel to remove ash. Place the heated boiling stones gradually into the water you have in the boiling vessel. As your liquid becomes heated it will eventually start to boil. Boil as vigorously as you want. The more aggressively your boiling, the faster you will be able to accumulate distilled water in your collection vessel. Rotate your boiling stones back and forth from coals to boiling vessel.
There you have it!
Without any materials, in winter you can now produce distilled water. This sanitized water can be used for a variety of purposes. Uses include drinking, cooking, sanitation, hygiene. Consider other uses such as mushroom cultivation or chemical synthesis.
Although Fellowshipof.us WaterTek is an open air technique with potential exposure to airborne microbes, it can be easily modified with a reed captured devise and more adequate collection vessels.
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